Recall studies

All volunteers participating in Genes & Health have consented to be approached regarding future research studies. Such initiatives, where volunteers are recontacted for additional participation in research, are referred to as Recall Studies.  

These Recall Studies can entail various forms of participation, including the completion of online questionnaires, visits to clinical research facilities located in London, Bradford or Manchester for the donation of additional samples and involvement in research studies conducted by affiliated groups. 

It is important to note that Genes & Health exclusively conducts Recall Studies that pose minimal risk to participants. Typically, participation requirements are limited to the donation of small samples of blood or urine. Volunteers will never be solicited to participate in early-phase clinical trials or undergo any form of medical treatment as part of these studies. 

Recall by Genotype

Recall studies under Genes & Health may also involve the recall of volunteers based on specific genetic information linked through our efforts, known as Recall by Genotype. Such genotype-based recalls are usually conducted in two formats:

Risk-Based Recall

Risk-Based Recall

Researchers identify individuals whose genetic makeup categorises them into low, medium or high-risk groups for developing specific conditions (for example, type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular diseases).
  Volunteers falling into these risk categories may be approached to donate additional samples to facilitate further study.
Rare Variant Recall

Rare Variant Recall

Genes & Health’s participant pool includes a significant number of individuals with rare genetic variants, occasionally resulting in the ‘knockout’ or cessation of function of specific genes. Volunteers with these rare ‘knockout’ variants provide valuable insights for scientists engaged in studying gene functions, making them critical contributors to the advancement of genetic research.
Queen Mary NHS Barts Health - NHS Trust NHS Bradford NHS Manchester University Manchester 1824 Wellcome Medical Research Council Nationial Institute for Health Research Aston University Sanger Institute King's College London